How To Freeze Buttercream Frosting

Bakers can benefit from freezing cake layers in advance, but can you freeze buttercream frosting? Absolutely! Making buttercream before you need it is a surefire way to make life easier.

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Let’s Make Baking Stress-Free!!

As a self-taught baker with a serious sweet tooth I’ve learned how to overcome many obstacles in the baking process. I wanted to shine a spotlight on the challenges of baking and how we can overcome them. This blog shares methods to help you become a better baker. Most importantly, you’ll gain the confidence to tackle new baking projects.

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Drink Ideas

There’s nothing better than a nice refreshing drink. Enjoy while you cool off from the heat and learn how to make these dairy-free drink recipes.

Entertaining Ideas

Bake desserts you love and take advantage of our tips and tricks for hosting special occasions year-round. From homemade birthday cakes to sweet Mother’s Day cookies, you’ll never come to a party empty handed.

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You’ll find plenty of inspiration for the holidays. Get ideas for decorating dessert, tips on planning, and more.